Actually Making Money Is Simple but Not Easy

Know the game of making money that can change your Life

Sankalp Singh


Before we start anything, can you please answer a question of mine: “Money-making is easy or hard?

Well, I know you know the answer if you are reading this article.

But, even after that, let me give you an example:

You all know how to make money by creating a website.

The steps are simple:

  • Buy a domain & hosting.
  • Select niche, name, log in to WordPress or any other CMS.
  • And then, start your website in seconds.

Yay, you have started your website. Now you can start making money.

But wait, is it that straightforward.

The answer is: Yes, money-making is as simple as f*ck.

But, is it easy or hard.

Well, it’s not that easy nor that hard.

Whether it’s easy or hard, it all depends on your efforts.

That’s why Sophocles writes:

“Success is dependent on effort”

So now, in short, we know making money is simple & it all depends on your efforts.

But, “how can you turn money-making into an easy process too?

Well, to answer this question, let’s dive into the money ocean & search for the money-making chest.

This chest contains different instructions to become a master at a money-making game.

A point to keep in mind before diving in is that: It increases your chances of earning money; whether you make more or less, it depends on you.

How You Think

In his book Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill has said:

“Both poverty and riches are the offspring of thought“

You become what you think.

Thoughts are the most potent weapon of anyone, and they can completely change who you are.

And, this same applies to the money game.

If you think making money is easy, it will become easy & if you think it is hard, it will become hard.

As we know, the process of making money is simple; it’s up to you, “How are you going to make it easy too?

Your thoughts are the first thing you have to change.

Lesson: Change Your Mindset, Fate Changes Eventually

Focus on Small, Focus on Few

Focus on Small:

Well, have you ever searched on the web: “How to Make $1,000 Per Month Online?” or “How to become a millionaire?”

If yes, then you are missing an important point:

Rather than focusing on making a thousand or a million dollars, you should start focusing on making a start.

Once your ideas start giving you some money, then the rest will happen eventually.

That’s why Chris Guillebeau has said:

“If you can find a way to make $1,000 a month on your own, you can usually find a way to make $5,000”

Focus on Few:

If you are not getting the results you want, maybe it’s time to look for a diverse & smaller audience.

As Jennifer Aniston has said:

“It’s impossible to satisfy everyone, and I suggest we all stop trying”

But, also don’t forget to have a long-term vision.

Similar to what Ben Chestnut & Mark Zuckerberg had done.

Ben Chestnut created Mailchimp because he wanted to design email newsletters for his clients, a tool that would take care of the process for him & his team.

And now, Mailchimp is worth more than 4 billion dollars.

Similarly, Mark Zuckerberg started Facebook to connect Harvard students.

Indeed, it wasn’t Zuckerberg’s initial plan to create a product that would attract more than 2 Billion active users.

So, the lesson is:

We should focus on creating a product that matters to a small group of people, and if it’s truly worth caring about, then more people will come.

Put Your Money to Work

You have already worked to make money, and now it’s time to put your money to work.

When you have the money, there are two options: Invest or Save.

Investing is putting your money to work.

As Grant Cardone has said:

“Investing puts money to work. The only reason to save money is to invest it”

And you can put your money to work in the following ways:

  • Invest in businesses through a stock market index fund
  • Invest in yourself by learning new skills
  • Invest in books to understand finance
  • Invest in humanity by helping others

But why invest money rather than saving it.

The answer is straightforward: To protect it from the termite of Inflation.

Inflation can eat your savings.

So, the last option to protect us from money devaluing is to invest in assets that keep their value over time.

But, “When to invest?”, well, according to Warren Buffett, the answer is:

“Be Fearful When Others Are Greedy and Greedy When Others Are Fearful”

And, the lesson is:

Invest rather than save

The Key Factor

Passive money is the key.

As Warren Buffett has said:

“If you don’t find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die”

Make money while you sleep. I know, it sounds like a fantasy. But it’s not.

You can make money passively by setting up systems.

The system can be anything that will give you passive money again & again.

It can be a business, a blog, any investment, a social media channel & so on.

Lesson: Always Try To Earn Passive Income

Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing

Debt can be your life-saving tool or life-destroying tool.

If you manage debt wisely, you can achieve your financial goals & meet your needs.

But with one slight misstep & you will quickly find yourself trapped in the cycle of never-ending debts.

A debt trap technically means a situation in which you take new loans to repay your existing debt obligations.

And before you know anything, you get stuck in the cycle of the debt trap.

Such a situation arises where your debt obligations exceed your repayment capacity.

For example:

When the income you earn is not enough to clear your debt, the interests starts to pile up quickly.

And to avoid this, you avail new loans to clear off the piled up interest & then you get struck in debt trap.

A debt trap is a wolf in sheep’s clothing because you think you are paying off your debts, but the truth is, you got stuck in the debt trap.

Lesson: Avoid Debt Trap

Two Sides of A Coin

There are only two sides where you have to focus the most.

These are Value addition & Consistency.

Generally, most of us run for a job to earn money.

What if we don’t get any job or don’t want to get any job.

Still, we can make a huge income if we: Start Giving Value & Become Consistent.

The more value we can give consistently, the more money we can earn.

And, to provide the best value consistently, we have to do what we love.

That way, we can turn the money-making process into an easy & fun game.

That’s what Marc Anthony has said:

“If you do what you love, you’ll never work a day in your life”

So, we can say that:

Lesson: Provide More Value & Be Consistent

It’s Enough

“One day you will have enough money”

It’s the ultimate lie when it comes to money.

There is nothing like enough money & you’ll never going to have enough money.

Not until you make one decision: you decide you are enough.

When you decide you are enough, your desire to have more money & continuously working for money will disappear.

Money is a reflection of value & when you start valuing yourself, your view about money changes.

So, we can say that: Money is just an extension of yourself.

The way you see yourself directly affects your view of money.

Lesson: There’s Nothing Like Enough Money


