How to gain subscribers on YouTube fast

Sankalp Singh
4 min readMar 30, 2022

Getting more subscribers to the second-largest website on this planet is every marketer's dream.

But with such high popularity comes insane competition.

And if you don't do things right, you will eventually get lost in the noise.

Don't worry, as you don't need to buy YouTube subscribers to grow your channel.

There are many easy ways to get more YouTube subscribers for free.

In this article, we are going to share 23 of them.

All these steps are proven and can do wonders for you.

So, without further ado, let's get started…

1) Channel Trailer :

Your channel trailer is a short video that helps your viewers quickly understand what your channel is all about.

Channel trailers are set to auto-play for users who aren't subscribed, giving you the best opportunity to build your subscription base.

Now the question is: How do you create a channel trailer that actually works?

The THIS Formula…

The THIS Formula is a great way to create a perfect trailer that gets results. THIS stands for Targeting Highlights Impactful Short.

Now we know what it stands for, so let's discuss each one step by step:

Targeting with Tagline :

Kick things off by addressing your targeted audience in the first 10 seconds of your trailer.

At this point, the person watching your trailer isn't sure if your channel is for him or not.

That's why he is watching your trailer.

Does your channel help marketers?

Or, maybe you teach people how to dance.

Now it's the perfect time to address them.

Use your channel's tagline and power words for this work.

Your Tagline will make a considerable impact and build your brand.

If you don't have any tagline yet, then what are you waiting for? Create a one-line description and paste it everywhere.

Because Addressing your viewers using Tagline = Perfect Start

Highlights of your Best :

Your trailer is the perfect way to show your best stuff to compel viewers to hit that subscribe button.

That's why add highlights of your content in the middle of your trailer for around 20–30 seconds.

In this way, your viewers can quickly get a feel of the type of content you publish.

Impactful Call To Action

In the end, finish off things with an impactful call to action.

At this point, the viewer is so close to subscribing.

They just need a little push.

So don't be afraid to ask your viewers to subscribe.

In fact, YouTube recommends that you end your trailer with an explicit call to action.

Short and Sweet

The last step would be to ensure that your video doesn't exceed 60 seconds so that you can pitch some good sweet stuff to a viewer quickly.

In fact, YouTube themselves says that short trailers work the best.

2) Miss No Comment

This is one of the easiest ways to get more subscribers.

Just replying to comments does so many things at once, like it boosts engagement rate, builds a good relationship with your audience, encourages other viewers to leave a comment. Of course, you will get more subscribers.

Isn't that enough reason for you not to miss out on replying to any comments?

But why does this help?

Well, most YouTubers never reply to most of the comments.

Which means you instantly stand out when you do.

So try your best to never miss any comments, especially after publishing a video.

3) Host a Giveaway

A great way to get a lot of subscribers fast.

At this point, some of you might be thinking that to host an exciting giveaway, you must have a large channel.

But it's not; even if you have a small channel, you can still do giveaways with simple prizes and gain subscribers quickly.

Like you can do a giveaway with 100$ gift cards as a prize and get a ton of contest entries.

Just be sure to create giveaway rules that benefit you the most.

For instance, let your viewers know that they have to subscribe to your channel and drop a comment on your latest or any video to enter the contest.

Also, don't stuff too many steps for participation; otherwise, you will get only a few entries.

4) Use "Outcome Playlists"

Playlists are a great way to increase your channel's watch time.

They also motivate viewers to smash that subscribe button by lining up your best content in one place.

Okay, so we know that we need to create playlists for better results.

But, what are "Outcome Playlists"?

Well, Outcome Playlists are the same as regular playlists, just better.

5) Subs from Heart

A while back, YouTube rolled out a feature called Creator Hearts, making it easy to highlight excellent comments from your community.

When you heart a comment, it shows your narrow channel's icon with a heart.

But the exciting part is…

When you heart a comment, that person gets a notification (and sometimes even an email).

So if someone leaves a great comment on your video, make sure to reply and heart the word.

This will bring them back to your channel & they will be primed to subscribe.

6) Brand Watermark

This is a powerful hack for more subscribers.

This extra subscribe button lets your viewers subscribe to your channel without leaving your video.

Unfortunately, most of the branding watermarks are entirely ignored.

So what you can do is:

Instead of a watermark that looks cool, use one that looks similar to YouTube subscribe button.

This will indeed work.

By using this same strategy, Backlinko has been able to get 70% more subscribers.

