The Best Books to Read in 2021, Check Now

Your reading list for 2021 to become a better version of Yourself

Sankalp Singh


A woman holding the best book to read in 2021 to become successful and wealthy in life
Books to Read | Photo: Enrique Meseguer/Pixabay

We want to become successful & achieve greater things in life. But how can we do so?

The answer is very simple: By Turning To WISDOM I don’t know about you, but my reading list is growing year after year.

Reading is what motivates me the most but also what teaches me the most important lessons of life.

A few years ago, I came across the following quote by Walt Disney:

“ There is more treasure in books than in all the pirate’s loot on Treasure Island ”

So why do we wait for Pirates’ Loot, when we can go to the library & can get more Treasure than that.

I would love to have that Treasure & if you want that too, here are the top 12 Treasure Chest [ Books ]

Think Like A Monk — Jay Shetty

Shetty shows us how we can clear the Roadblocks to our Potential & Power.

Think Like a Monk reveals how to overcome Negative Thoughts & Habits, and finds the Peace & Purpose that lies within us.

Shetty converts the Lessons a monk acquires to Advice & Exercises that we can apply to reduce anxiety & stress and improve focus, relationship & self-discipline.

Shetty proves that everyone can & should Think Like a Monk.

“ When you learn to navigate and manage your breath, you can navigate any situation in life ”

The Discomfort Zone — Farrah Storr

When you explore your Discomfort Zone, you’ll find Everything Becomes Possible.

As it is Human Nature to stay in our comfort zone, when you spend your time in your Discomfort Zone, then you will Grow & Improve.

Farrah shows us how can we push through Brief Moments of Discomfort to get where we need to be.

“ Whenever you’re feeling moments of discomfort, that means true change is happening for you ” — John David Washington

Big Magic — Elizabeth Gilbert

Big Magic will teach you how to be Creative despite your Fears & where Creativity comes from & how to make sure it keeps Flowing Freely.

The book will take you on a Journey filled with Surprises & Treasures where your soul meets creativity.

If you need the Courage to pursue your Creative Interests, then you should read Big Magic.

It will show you how to deal with your Fears, notice the Ideas hiding under the water & then Act on them.

“You can measure your worth by your dedication to your path, not by your successes or failures “

Why Social Media is Ruining Your Life — Katherine Ormerod

Why Social Media is Ruining Your Life tackles head on the pressure cooker of Comparison & Unreachable Levels of Perfection that Social Media has created in our modern life.

Katherine shows us how our relationship with Social Media has rewired our behavioral patterns, damaged our Confidence & destroyed our Attention Spans.

Katherine gives readers the tools so that they can control their own Online Lives, rather than being controlled by them.

“ If social media controls you and is robbing you of your freedom and good emotional energy chances are you’re addicted and it’s time to find another hobby “ — Germany Kent

Think and Grow Rich — Napoleon Hill

Think and Grow Rich is a collection of the 13 most common habits of wealthy and successful people, derived from analyzing over 500 successful people from many different fields over 20 years.

He claimed to be inspired by a suggestion from Andrew Carnegie.

While the book’s title is more focused on increasing income, the author insists that his theory can help people succeed in any line of work (i.e., anything you can think of).

As there is no mention of “money,” “wealth,” “finances,” or “stocks” within the book; He takes a distinct method:

Focusing on breaking down the psychological barriers that prevent many of us from achieving our own destinies.

You can refer to this book at any point in your career & always found it helpful to your circumstances.

“ You are the master of your destiny. You can influence, direct and control your own environment. You can make your life what you want it to be ”

How to Own the Room — Viv Groskop

Public speaking books don’t tell you what to do when you open your mouth, don’t tell you how to get over the performance anxiety, don’t tell you How to Own the Room. But this book does.

From Michelle Obama to J.K. Rowling, Virginia Woolf to Oprah Winfrey, learn what our heroines do to make us stand up and listen to each & every word.

This is a powerful little book that tells you about what happens when a woman finds her voice.

“ The first time you say something, it’s heard; the second time, it’s recognized; the third time, it’s learned ” —John Maxwell

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People — Stephen Covey

Covey believes that the way you see the world is only based on your perceptions.

So he writes: To change a given situation, we must change ourselves, and to change ourselves, we must be able to change our perceptions.

According to Covey, We must allow ourselves to undergo paradigm shifts — to change ourselves fundamentally and not just change our attitudes and habits on the surface level — to achieve true change.

A must-read guide if you want to develop personal effectiveness and grow healthy relationships with other people.

“ To change ourselves effectively, we first had to change our perceptions ”

F*CK Being Humble — Stefanie Sword-Williams

Stefanie tells you how to stand out against your competition, promote yourself & get rid of the feeling of imposter syndrome & claim your space.

We are usually told that being humble is important for our professional success but in the age of flexible working & portfolio careers, it’s time to F*CK Being Humble.

This book aims to change the way we view self-promotion by providing practical tips on sharing your achievements.

This can be your resource that you can refer to again and again, at any point in your career.

“ If you do something awesome, you should be proud of yourself “ — Damon Lindelof

Real Life Money — Clare Seal

Clare has provided great tips on how to get over debt & understanding unhealthy spending habits and psychology.

This book is a holistic approach to personal finance that speaks about the deeper cause of financial challenges.

It will take you on a journey that can be adapted to your own pace and circumstances & will cover everything from how to negotiate to set up realistic budgets without punishing yourself as well as dealing with money anxiety.

“ Balancing your money is the key to having enough “ — Amelia Warren Tyagi

Rich Dad Poor Dad — Robert Kiyosaki

The dominant theme of Rich Dad Poor Dad is how to use money as a tool for wealth development.

Rich Dad Poor Dad shatters the myth that the rich are born rich & explains the real difference between an asset and a liability, and much more.

This book supports the importance of financial education, financial independence, and building wealth through investing in different assets, starting businesses, as well as increasing one’s financial knowledge.

An ideal read for anyone who is seeking financial knowledge to develop wealth.

“ If you realize that you’re the problem, then you can change yourself, learn something and grow wiser. Don’t blame other people for your problems ”

Get Your Sh*t Together — Sarah Knight

A New York Times Bestseller focused on how to stop bothering about what you should do, so that you can complete what you need to do & start doing what you want to do.

Sarah reveals how to stop complaining & start gaining. In short, it’s time to Get Your Sh*t Together.

It’s a must-read guide on how to stop worrying about your works & dreams and start doing what you should do to live your best life.

“ Proven fact: You can never finish something you didn’t start “

Atomic Habits — James Clear

Atomic Habits is the ultimate guide to break bad behaviors & adopt good ones in 4 steps; this book shows you how small progressive everyday routines can compound into huge positive change over time.

This New York Times bestseller from James Clear is the most comprehensive guide if you want to get 1% better every day in any field of life.

James tells us that changing your habits is all about systems vs. goals and becoming the person you want to be, not changing behavior.

Hence, this book is an ideal read for you if you want to become better at what you do by changing your habits & getting 1% better every day.

“ Habits are the compound interest of self-improvement ”


Books would be your best investment of the year with the most return possible except if you had invested in Tesla or Bitcoin.

But if I had the last final recommendation for your 2021 reading list, that would be: Pick 3–4 books which you have already read & had a very big impact on you, & read them again.

We all spend too much time chasing new kinds of stuff, which affects what we learn in the past.

So, we need to give ourselves more time to digest those important, mind-blowing & exciting books that we have already read.

Read The Alchemist one more time. Spend some more time with The 48 Laws of Power. Sit with a few chapters from The Magic of Thinking Big. Give How to Win Friends and Influence People another chance.

You will find an immense change after reading the books you already read.

This is going to be the best year for your reading.

Happy Reading!!

